Our representation of the gaming industry is extremely diverse and includes casinos, gaming executives, gaming equipment manufacturers and distributors, racetracks, and other organizations involved in gaming enterprises. This includes support licenses for gaming employees, and key licenses for those involved in the overall management and control of gaming premises. We assist with operator and retailer licenses for those who place slot machines on premises or companies that conduct limited gaming (poker, blackjack, various table games and the use of video poker machines and slot machines).
We also represent manufacturers and companies required to register with the Colorado Limited Gaming Commission. Approved by the Colorado State Legislature and a public vote in 1991, limited gaming has since become a substantial industry regulated through the Colorado Department of Revenue, Colorado Division of Gaming and the Colorado Gaming Commission.
We work closely with the Division of Racing Events and the Colorado Racing Commission to help develop creative solutions to problems encountered in this regulatory environment. The firm has participated in legislative and administrative law changes relative to gaming and racing, as well as the relationship of gaming and racing licenses to the alcoholic beverage licensing structure in the State of Colorado. Several partners in the firm are active in the International Association of Gaming Attorneys and have authored publications, and reports associated with the industry. They have also participated in legislative and regulatory changes in gaming and racing law.